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Antarjatik chalachitrautsab upalakshye Americar pratinidhi neta shanamdhonyo parichalok Frank Capra (Frank Capra's visit to Calcutta during the International Film Festival)
Frank Capra's visit to Calcutta
The article reports the visit of Frank Capra, the noted Hollywood film maker, on the occasion of the 1952 International Film festival, Calcutta venue. During his sojourn in the city, Capra became a focal point of a diverse array of discussions surrounding the conditions of the film industry here in India and also in Hollywood. The article reports Capra's lectures and meetings arranged during the festival.
The Media Lab
Anonymous, "Antarjatik chalachitrautsab upalakshye Americar pratinidhi neta shanamdhonyo parichalok Frank Capra (Frank Capra's visit to Calcutta during the International Film Festival)," in History of Indian Cinema, Item #22, http://icinema.medialabju.org/index.php/items/show/22 (accessed March 18, 2025).
This item has no location info associated with it.